

On Thu, 2002-10-31 at 00:32, Iris wrote:

> >my worry is that XHTML remains a very presentation-oriented markup.
> the whole point about xhtml is that it emphasizes correct use of structural
> mark-up with all presentational mark-up removed to a stylesheet.

if XHTML had more structure, and removed the presentational elements,
I'd be all for it

> to be
> able to reduce a webpage to just the structural mark-up gives the user
> total control over presentation.  this is where it is accessible.

lets take your own page quoted in the previous message. Consider the
fragment below
 a) you jump straight to a fourth-level heading from nowehere
 b) we dont know where the thing associated with <h4> ends
 c) hard line breaks in the paragraph
 d) forced "thing" (<br clear="all">_
 e) meaningless <div> (breadcrumbs) holding a "Home" link

I am not meaning to criticize your page, this is all standard stuff
we'd find in all our pages, but its far too low-level! its still
presentation, even if you make it well-formed XML (which it is not
at present, I am afraid).

<h4>NADO - The National Association of Disability Officers</h4>
<p class="small">A professional association for Disability Officers<br/>
working in <acronym title="United Kingdom">UK</acronym> Higher and
Further Education Institutions</p>
<br clear="all" />

<!-- breadcrumbs -->

<div class="crumbs">
        <a class="nav" href="index.html">Home</a>

Sebastian Rahtz      OUCS Information Manager
13 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 6NN. Phone +44 1865 283431