

Ah, how definitions set conflicts.
Yet, definitions are unavoidable, and so, the conflicts.
Definitions and conflicts seek absolutes. This way, the circle goes,
Aglaia seeking Eufrosine seeking Talia seeking Aglaia:

PS Alison's "Standing nude" reminds me of the relationship between Tereza
and Thomas in Milan Kundera's The unbearable lightness of the being, where
her nudity mirrors her inadequacy to adapt to he partner's mentality and
substantial indifference to her "real" reasons so to set in her mind
(especially through visions of herself in dreams) self-destructive
Tereza's physical beauty has no meaning for him (in her nightmare, she
walks naked in a circle with other figures of naked women walking around
him who shoots at random the one who does not bow to his command), and the
only way she exists in his mind is enacting compassion (which represents
not her reality but in fact his own, mirrored in her: cum-passionem).
