

wise words as always from Simon.
However, I would like to sound a note of caution to
others who call for the specialty as a body to be more
belligerent - this is likely to be counterproductive.
Biers blocks, sedation, RSI, this argument comes down
to clinical credibility, and that has to be earned.

You can earn it as an individual, and you can earn it
as a department. You can only earn it as a department
after showing, for a period of time, that you can cut
the mustard, 24 hours a day. This is another reason
why 24 hour senior staffing (by which term I include
registrars & staff grades) is so crucial to everything
in our universe.
If you still work in a department with unsupported
SHOs for much of the darkness hours, ITU will be
needed much more ( I assume we are all agreed that
SHOs should not sedate children), and may feel they
have the right to dictate how certain proceudres are
carried out. It is far better to work with
intensivists,  attend their ward rounds, let them
supervise your registrars doing RSIs in the ED, then
they feel involved rather than cuckolded, and after a
couple of years, if it has gone smoothly, they'll lose
interest and simply ask that you call them if you have
a problem. That's what happened here anyway.
Ultimately, its workload that someone is offering to
take off them and as we demonstrate, without arrogance
or a fanfare, that we can do these things,there will
be no more argument. It is happening piecemeal around
the country and the process is and will continue to
be, locally not nationally driven.

And anyway, regarding ketamine, the fact a drug isn't
licensed doesn't mean we can't use it, simply that we
can't blame the drug company when things go wrong.
Nasal diamorphine is a good example - If the evidence
is there that it is safe, one can seek to change the
Steve Meek

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