

On immediate offer:-

1)  'Alaska 1:24 000 series orthophotomap (topographic)' : a block of 12
col. photomaps (quadrangles within main sheet numbers A-2 - A-4 and B-2 -
B-4, covering area approx. N 70 degrees 7 minutes 30 seconds - 70 30 00/W
147 degrees 36 minutes 0 seconds - 149 06 00),  from aerial photogr. of June
1970 (Washington DC : US Geological Survey, 1971).  NB: ONE SET ONLY

2)  'Alaska 1:50 000 series (topographic)' : a block of 6 col. maps
(quadrangles within main sheet numbers A-2 - A-4 and B-2 - B-4, covering
area N 70 degrees 00 minutes - 70 30/W 147 degrees 36 minutes - 149 24),
from aerial photogr. of 1955 and selected hydrogr. data of 1956 (Washington
DC : US Geological Survey, 1967) ; contour interval 50 feet with 25 feet
interpolated.  MULTIPLE SETS AVAILABLE.  No-one with an interest in the area
of Prudhoe Bay prior to discovery of the oil reserve and subsequent
construction of pipeline can afford to be without a set!

Further details about, and clamorous demands for, these freebies are
obtainable from -

Map Room, RGS-IBG, 1 Kensington Gore, LONDON SW7 2AR [e-mail: [log in to unmask];
fax : 020-7591-3001]
Francis Herbert
[log in to unmask] [see 'Collections']