

Hi all and sincere apologies for x-posting...!

A quick thing: we are working on the Ruwenzori area, right across the Equator,
within the 2°N - 2°S / 29°E - 32° E quadrangle (approximately). We have Landsat
ETM+ scenes for the region and we got the Gtopo30 (1km) DEM as well.
We were wondering whether anybody out there might point us towards a further
source for affordable digital topography with finer detail. I thought a
non-exclusive dataset, prepared by a remote sensing service organization for an
mining company, could be possibly reachable, in a degreaded version (i.e.
coarser resolution), at a reduced price - for academic research, no industrial
purpose whatsoever.

Thanks a lot in advance and best regards to all,

Umberto Fracassi
Francesco Brozzetti
(Università "D'Annunzio", Chieti,

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