

To list members who run "BA Single Honours/Joint Honours
German Studies" (or similar) courses:

What differentiates these courses from BA SH/JH German

Is there a difference in the level of linguistic
proficiency expected?

Background to our questions: with increasing numbers of
students not wishing to take the year abroad, we were
wondering if you could let us know how you integrate such
students into your degree programmes.
Our BA SH/JH German students have to do the year abroad and
write an independent piece of research (10,000 word project
in German). "BA SH/JH Language Studies (German)" students
don't have to do either but have to pass the same final
year language units ("degree level").
We wonder what to do with ab initio/post GCSE students who
do not want to/cannot spend a year abroad. Currently, they
have to "jump" language units (not a very realistic option)
to receive a SH/JH degree with German in the title.

Dr Klaus Fischer
London Guildhall University
Department of Language Studies
Calcutta House
Old Castle Street
London E1 7NT

Tel 0207 320 1230
Fax 0207 320 1234