

----- Original Message -----
From: "A S Lockey"
Subject: Re: Flumazenil, Sedation and Fits

> Like other respondents, I too will put back a dislocated shoulder in a
> patient with no history of trauma and recurrent dislocations without an
> initial X-ray. The purists would probably say that if there were a
> on the post manipulation film then medico-legally you have no evidence
> you didn't cause it (unless you have an X-ray from a previous attendance
> with it on of course).

Not strictly true Andy; even if you find a post-manipulation fracture, it's
unlikely to be your fault if you practise atraumatic reduction. Don't get me
started about defensive medicine...I do wish more of us could practice
medicine in a style designed for our patients' benefit, not for our own! And
while we're on the subject of working without x-rays, how many of you prefer
to omit the post-reduction x-ray? I sometimes do for shoulders, and I rarely
do post-reduction x-rays following small joint manipulations.

Adrian Fogarty