

Dear Henry
Just how old are you that you can refer to a 34 old lady as a 'girl'!?
Do you know anything more about her than you have told us? For example: has she had any other treatment other than 'an injection'.
I cannot be alone in wondering about the quality of care she is receiving from the practitioner she has consulted (doctor, chiropractor, physio..whoever) and think she should seek competant advice from someone who is prepared to listen to her instead of puncturing her skin, and probably her confidence in the medical profession.
Does anyone else think that C5/6 or even T4 might be worth a second glance?

Loved the exchange of views about shin splints/compartment syndrome. We get quite a few referals with anterior shin pain and posterior compartment problems and they can be an absolute nightmare to diagnose. Any positive views on diagnosis and treatment of these complaints will always be well received at this address.

Regards to you all,

Tony Windsor