

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dr. Tudor Codreanu"
Subject: Re: audit commission report
I agree with you. I came in UK 2 years ago from Transylvania...

Beautiful part of the world (well it was in 1980!) surely beats Moray?

I was and still are amazed by
the number of people attending A&E for such trivial things that would
produce shame if happened in Romania. I don't know how generalised the
phenomenon is, but regularly, Sunday mornings, there are at least 3-4 people
(early) on their way to the church attending A&E for "just to be checked".

You'll get over it! Seriously though, it's a scary thought; imagine when our
waiting times are routinely under 75 minutes, demand will surely rise and
rise inexorably pushing those times out of reach once again. Nye Bevan
famously predicted that the new national health service would get cheaper;
as more people were treated the burden of disease in the population would
fall, reducing the fiscal burden! How mistaken he was...sadly.

I wonder what would happen with the number of attendees if a charge of £10
would be leviated from each one coming to A&E.

Ahh, now that's where it gets complicated...
You know the guy who "invented" the health service (Aneurin Bevan again)
resigned over the introduction of prescription charges. Try,3858,3943777,00.html for a brief summary
of the modern anguish over health service funding, every bit as much a Bevan
legacy as the health service itself!

Adrian Fogarty (left of centre, but nowhere near Bevan!)