

History; what does the patient mean, are they dizzy
has it happened before, what happened then, PHX.
Physical - what do they look like: siting up and
chatting - pale and ,moribund.
I would taylor my investigations to the patient. The
well, mild epigastric pain that is actually describing
haematemesis, I would do routine FBC (XMatch from the
venflon) and - unusually for me - a CXR  (excludes
pneumomediastinum, you can be well at first then your
...well not!) Also good for the
bronchogenic/oesophagenic "who would have thought it"
nasties which crop up now and again.
If every parmeter is normal home, GP follow up,
endoscopy at his discression.

If otherwise and still bleeding - the pale moribund
ain't sayin much: I would Senstakin (only if cirrhosis
etc could be a factor and anyway I hate them - bad
experience as a student) or if active bleeder : fluid
repolacement + RSI and hello theatre and the
previously fast paged surgical guys to turn off the
tap properly.
But then that's just me.
Iain (Canada nice this time of year?)

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