

Dear Members

Since the Euro will be in common use in less than 100 days I thought it
might be interesting to get an idea of how this community feels about
Europe and its position vis-a-vis Social Policy.

Just before I ask my questions I should be honest about my own bias.  I am
Secretary for the European Movement in Nottingham that is actively
campaigning for a 'yes' vote in any coming referendum on Britain joining
the single currency.

My first question is does Social Policy have any interest in the EU and the
implications of the single currency beyond simply analysing and evaluating
EU social policy?  My second question follows; if we do have an interest,
be it pro or anti, how far should we go in prosecuting that interest?

Clearly my own belief is that we do have a deeper interest and that we
should do as much as possible to follow this up.  If anyone else feels
motivated to get involved then please get in touch.

It would be interesting to see if the Social Policy community is as split
over Europe as are the public and political parties.

Tim Clark