

Dear Colleagues,

for those of you who can read eather German or Spanish (some are also in 
English) here are - in the context of a theory of society and a methodology 
of distinctions - some observations about our society: the emotional 
dimension, the bodily dimension, the technological dimension, the sensual 
dimension (visuality as an example), the virtual dimension (cyberculture), 
about the connection between Social Action and Instrumental Theory of 
Truth, about the theory of communicative action observed through the glases 
of the theory of distinctions...

Greetings,  Rodrigo Jokisch

a theory of the emtional dimension of our society. The term comunity is 
used in the following essay to indicate a special form of social 

1) Affect and Society. Love as an exemple for the affective dimension of 
our society...

I took Love to show this dimension but it could also be Trust, or Envy, or 
Melancholy, or Gladness etc... For those who know the work of Maturana: I 
am not using his semantic because Maturana's Love-Conception is in my 
opinion very problematic and does not reflect what I would call  the *the 
emotional dimension of society*

2) Also the essay about 'Problems of the German Unification' entails the 
term community to explain some social aspects of the former 'German 
Democratic Republic' (DDR)... for those who can read German take a look here:

3) Very near to the emotional dimension of our society we can find the 
*bodily dimension* of our society. I took as an example the distinction: 
Gender / Sexuality... but it could also have been Age, or *Colour/Race*, or 
Strength, or Disability etc... By the way, one of the most important 
aspects of the emotional dimension of our society is Anxiety - a form of 
emotional *negation* like Hate but far more important than the latter...

Other new articles are:

4) The Form of Technology:

5) Technology and Art:

6) The Social Dimension of Photography (about what could be called *social 
visuality*... it could also have been taste, auditivity, smell etc):

7) About the social dimension of the *virtual space* or what we call today 
*cyberculture* or *virtual society*:

8) Social Action and the Theory of Instrumental Truth (if you try to 
observe society only through the eyes of social actions then you are using 
implicitly a sort of instrumental truth... this work is only in Spanish 

9) The Form of Social Action:

10) The Theory of Communicative Action of Juergen Habermas observed through 
the glases of a Methodology of Distinctions... This work is only available 
in Spanish...

11) if some of you would like to know - in English - what I think are some 
problems with Theory-Construction of Grand Theories, specially with the 
proposal made by Niklas Luhmann, take a look at this short essay:

Problems with Theory-Construction of Grand Theories
Niklas Luhmann’s  Theory of Social Systems, as an Example

You can find this essay under the url:

12) Complexity has different aspects, resembles different facets... One of 
this aspects is the relation between the complex and the simple... Here I 
send you a first Szenarium, a first reflexion, a first draft concerning the 
Problem of Complexity in the sense of: How is complexity possible?

12a) How is complexity possible? Szenarium I: The uses of the simple and 
the complex

12b) How is complexity possible? Szenarium II: Complexity and Science

unfortunatly these essays are in German... I hope in the near future to 
offer an English version...

Other Szenarien next to come:

Szenarium III: Temporality of the scientific object
Szenarium IV: What is complexity
Szenarium V: 'Firstness' and Autopoiesis
Szenarium VI: Complexity and Social Theory
Szenarium VII: Fictional and ontological 'last-elements'
Szenarium VIII: Everyday-semantic and scientific semantic

13) If you want to know what I understand under a *methodology of 
distinctions* take a look at this url in English:

You may find everything here:

comments, critics, proposals are of course wellcome,

Best regards,

Rodrigo Jokisch

Prof. Dr. habil. Rodrigo Jokisch

Center for Basic Studies in Social Theory
Dept. of Political and Social Sciences
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Circuito Mario de la Cueva S/N
Edificio E, 2o. Nivel cub. 201
Coyoacán, 04510 México D.F.
Phone:  +52 5 622-9418/-9428
Fax:    +52 5 622-9400

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 ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< (german)

Technische Universitaet Berlin
Fachbereich 7
Umwelt und Gesellschaft
Rohrdamm 20/116
13629 Berlin
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