

Following conversations with Tom last week at ECDL, an exceptionally long
flight back from Germany, and the maturing code base of Redfoot
(,  I had found myself with the time, code
base and the battery life to hack together another registry prototype on
the flight home.

While I'm unable to go into details of this system at this time (for the
daring.. the prototype is available at, the
following issues quickly became apparent.

1) It would be helpful to provide a set of URI's of RDF instance data that
are being used and the basis for infusing the DCMI registries.

2) dcterm:mediator and dcterm:conformsTo have incorrect rdf:types

These should be of <rdf:Property> not <rdfs:Property>

3) is of dc:relation

this seems a bit confusing to me... I would have thought dc:source or
dcq:isBasedOn would have been more accurate.  This point, however, brings
me to the next issue...

4) There no longer seems be a convenient machine readable RDF schema that
reflects the hard won consensus resulting in the qualifiers document  Is this
correct?  /terms seems to be the amalgamation of current and various future
semantic declarations that are qualifiers of the semantics defined by  Why then separate dcmitype?  Is the
current hope then to add some additional level of technology that
understands application profiles that says of all of the terms... these are
the ones I'm interested in for a particular application?

ps: apologies in advance if I don't respond immediately...

eric miller                    
semantic web activity lead               mailto:[log in to unmask]
w3c world wide web consortium            tel:1.614.763.1100
200 technology square, ne43-350          fax:1.208.330.5213
cambridge, ma 02139 usa