

Some suggestions.
Have your students read Euclid's Window. Ideas of science, the politics
of, idiocy, and fear of changing accepted dogma, will alter their
thinking processes. (nice over-view of geometry and scientific thought) 

While we are on the topic, note that few studies address the subject's
tissue as though all (tissues) are "equal". I'll bet they differ in many
domains: sensitivity, inflammation responses etc. The great
diagnostician Cyriax, suggested that massage, for instance, has limited
effects (aside for deep friction, of course (quesionable.) (also note
that many of his so called capsular patterns are discounted; yet are a
nice model in clinical analyses). One is that of increased blood flow
secondary to the mechanical stimulus, axonal reflex. If nothing else,
physical agents change blood flow when movement is painful, or causing
apprehension in the subject. So use it but do not bill excessively or
abuse it; remember they are adjuncts to therapy, or junky if they are
the "healing" source.
As far as treatment application, too many PTs cover too much an area
with US. Twice the applicator size is recommended, AND ask patients'
perception-do not pay attention to prescription. Tissues vary.    
Subject: US and Non-science
