

Dear Gerald

> Loved your Godwin quote, just fancy him being the father of
> Mary Shelley.

Many thanks. Godwin was, apparently, identified as an
'anarchist' perhaps, today, he would be 'labelled' asa 'radical'
-- whoops we're back to 'labelling theory again'!!  8-)

> Thought your comment about 'freeing school' was witty.  Liked
> it.

There have been attempts to 'free schools' down the ages -- but
most of them seem stifled sooner or later. Sad, but it seems to
be what happens as soon as any government takes over the
responsibility for 'education'.

That, of course, is entirely a personal opinion -- others may
disagree. More worryingly, and (perhaps) more germaine to this
site is the identification of the increasing suicidal tendencies
in even young children with a lack of counselling service except
in one or two areas such as Dudley for younger children.

Best wishes


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