

I'm trying to clarify for the OEB group the encoding (upper/lower case) of
DC elements. They have had in their document the following:
i.e. lower case "dc" uppercase 1st letter of element.
I'm not sure where this came from; they based it on DC 1.0. There must
have been examples at that time like this. We have definitely done some
about shifts on this.

Seems that the encoding in HTML is: DC.Creator
i.e. upper case "DC"; uppercase 1st letter of element
RFC 2731 (encoding DC in HML): DC.Creator
Using Dublin Core (Diane's User Guide) also shows it this way.

In the RDF/XML examples in Using Dublin Core it says:.
(all lower case)

And this is what Andy has in his document for XML. Is this correct and
what should be recommended (the different conventions in HTML and XML)?

Question: Andy's document has element refinements as follows:

Not to be dense, but what is "dct"? Why isn't it "dcq"? I'm sure it's
something I must know and I'm just having a Monday morning lapse.

Do we still consider the recommendation in "Recording qualified Dublin
Core in HTML meta elements"
( the recommended
way? This uses: DC.Date.created where it uses the dot syntax and lower case for
the first letter of the element refinement. (All these variations between
HTML and XML are very confusing.)

The OEB people will be very upset about these syntax issues, and will
probably not want to change their document because they will say it will
break existing implementations. Not sure how I'll convince them otherwise.

Thanks for doing this, Andy.


On Mon, 23 Jul 2001, Andy Powell wrote:

> On Sat, 21 Jul 2001, Andy Powell wrote:
> > our continued disablility to be able to advise people about implementing
> > DC in plain XML (rather than RDF/XML) using either DTDs or XML Schemas is
> > a big problem for us. Saying to people 'you made the wrong technology
> > choice' is simply *not* good enough.  If we find we have to say that to
> > the majoritory of implementors then we made the wrong technology choice.
> >
> > Some guidance (even in the form of notes) about implementing DC
> > (qualified and simple) in XML would be very helpful to people I would have
> > thought.
> Well, I thought I'd better actually do something, rather than simply
> moaning about lack of guidelines... so I've written something up at
> I'd be interested in comments, though I'll also send a note about this to
> dc-architecture in due course, so comments might be better sent there.
> Note that the examples may well need some work because I don't understand
> XML schemas and namespaces vey well! :-(
> Andy
> --
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