

To all:

Here is a recent post published on forum at rehabedge with regards to the
belief that sitting is bad for posture. It was posted by MCAP.

Here is a question for you. I am hoping for controvesy.

PTs walk around and preach to the world how bad sitting is for your back.
But is it really? What is this based on??

I think that the propagation of this myth resulted from Nachemson's research
back in the 70s. During his studies, he determined (in vivo) that the disc
pressure was higher in sitting than in standing. These experiments were not
repeated because they involve inserting a catheter with a pressure sensor
into someone's disc and then having them perform various activities with the
catheter sticking out.
So everyone grabbed the information and began preaching to everyone about
the horrors of the modern office and the consequences of sitting down

However, a study was performed recently that casts doubt upon this
assertion. Wilk, et al. recently did a one subject study. The subject was
actually one of the researchers (I don't think they could get IRB approval
to use outside subjects!). But in any case their data was similar to
Nachemson's EXCEPT sitting vs. standing. They found higher disc pressure in
relaxed standing .5 MPa than in sitting unsupported .46MPa and than in
"nonchalant" (relaxed) sitting .3MPa.

Now this study certainly had limitations but on the other hand - the
equipment to collect the data was more accurate and sophisticated.

This brings me back to my point.......Why is sitting so bad???????? I would
actually contend that it isn't. The fact that most people sit all day is why
they associate it with pain. If everyone had to stand all day we would be
hearing about how difficult it is to stand and how bad standing is for you.

Some patients are individually worse in sitting. But many are worse in
standing as well. My pointis that the best thing for the spine is movement
and variety. Sitting, in and of itself, is not inherently bad.

Here is the cite; Spine 1999 Apr 15;24(8):755-62. New in vivo measurements
of pressures in the intervertebral disc in daily life.

Fire away people....."

What are people's thoughts?


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