

Heroes and Villains
A multi-cultural perspective

A symposium in honour of Professor David Blamires
(Department of German Studies)

11 September 2001
University of Manchester
Arts Building, Room A18
The symposium is supported by
the Department of German Studies, University of Manchester,
 and the Goethe-Institut Manchester

10.00           Welcome

10.10           Carole Weinberg (English Department, University of Manchester)
                                 'The Giant of St Michael's Mount: an
                                 Arthurian Villain'

10.50           Professor John Flood (Institute of Germanic Studies, London):
                                'Women Poets Laureate in the Holy
                                Roman Empire'

11.30           Coffee

11.45           Dr Judith Purver (German Department, University of
                                'Napoleon: Hero or Villain?'

12.25                   Professor Peter Skrine (Emeritus, German
                                Department, University of Bristol):
                                'Heroes or Villains? English
                                Travellers' impressions of Germany in
                                the mid-nineteenth Century'

13.05-14.05     Buffet Lunch in the Foyer of the Arts Building

14.05                    Penny Brown (French Department, University of
                                 'New heroes (and villains) for old?
                                 Conflicts in 19th-century children's

14.45                    Dr Robert Vilain (German Department, Royal
                                 Holloway, London):
                                 '"Bringing the Villains to Book":
                                 Balzac and Hoffmann as Antecedents of
                                 the Modern Detective Story'

15.25           Tea

15.40                   Professor Roger Paulin (German Department,
                                University of Cambridge):
                                'Heroes and Villains in Children's
                                Literature: the Case of Arthur Mee's
                                Children's Encylopedia'

16.20           Sylvia Warnecke (German Department, University of Manchester):
                                'The very curious circumstances of the
                                publication of Reynard the Fox for
                                children in the GDR'

17.00           Heresati Quartet
                                (1st Violin: Rebecca Maddox, 2nd
                                Violin: Samuel Browne, Viola: Helen
                                Purton, Cello: Timothy Shephard):
                                Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,  K 387


17.30      Wine reception in the Foyer of the Arts Building.
                   Music by the Heresati Quartet
                   All colleagues and friends of David's are
                   cordially invited to the reception.
                   No prior booking is required.


19.30           Dinner in The Lime Tree, Didsbury, Lapwing Lane
                                (Please tick on booking form if you
                                wish to book a place)

Booking form

Heroes and Villains
A multi-cultural perspective

A symposium in honour of Professor David Blamires
(Department of German Studies)

11 September 2001
University of Manchester
Arts Building, Room A18


Telephone no.:                                          Fax no.
E-mail Address:
Institutional Affiliation:

I wish to attend the symposium and enclose a cheque  made payable to
the University of Manchester for stlg ______

Conference fee (including lunch, coffee, tea, wine reception):
stlg9   reduced rate for students (please provide proof of your status with
your booking)

I would like to have a place booked for dinner in the Lime Tree
Restaurant (at my own cost, to be paid separately in the restaurant, a
three-course meal at c. stlg25):    Yes     No

Signed:  ____________________________

Full payment to be made by 27 August 2001.
Please make cheques payable to the University of Manchester and send

Dr Ricarda Schmidt
Department of German Studies
University of Manchester
M20 4 QJ

E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Tel.: 0161-275 3177

For Hotel accommodation please see the web site:

Dr Ricarda Schmidt          Tel.: + 44 (0)161 275 3177
Department of German        Fax:  + 44 (0)161 275 3031
University of Manchester    Home: + 44 (0)161 434 4677
Oxford Road                 E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Manchester M13 9PL