

I don’t let me keep you…., but when Cristobal Colon look for financial support to carried out the discovery travel to the Indias (America) need to let his country to found support in Spain. Geologist are geologist and not physical. Many geologist trait to show physics and mathematics to geologist and geology to physical and mathematical and ….many other people who wont to listen ours (girlfriends or boyfriends,.. boring drunks in a Pub… etc., etc.).
Provably I am a ignorant dumb, but honestly as geologist, I found your theory geologically irrelevant. If you review the Cauchy theory because it use cubes and not spheres, first you must to review all the thermodynamics based on equality equations, when all changes in thermodynamic are by imbalance, and consequently equations must be written like that (Not A = B, but A
¹B). However we still using A=B because it allow us a good approximation to the geological problem (when we are working in geology). Please not misunderstand my works. I just say you that need discuss your theory firstly with physics and then we can trait to apply it in Geology, …. and please not conclude you that all humanity is wrong and against you. You must be sure that unless me not.

Francisco J. Fernández
Dpto de Geología
Área de Geodinámica
Universidad de Oviedo
C/Arias de Velasco SN
33005 Oviedo. Spain
"El dato prevalece y la interpretación perece"
phone: 34-985103150
FAX 34-985103103