

Dear all

The JISCmail system has now been enhanced to make it much
easier for list owners to make a collection of files available to list
members. Previously the facility was only readily usable for plain
text files but now a wide variety of file types (word processed
documents, spreadsheets, HTML, a number of image file formats,
Adobe acrobat and many others) are supported.

The system enables files to be made available to those members
who want them without clogging up the mailbox of members who
don't. As an example, I've put up an Adobe Acrobat format version
of Bob Holdsworth's poster for next year's shear zones meeting
(Many thanks to Nathan Kuhle for converting the file from
CorelDraw). At 1.7Mb this would not have been a welcome addition
to anyone's mailbox but can now be downloaded by anyone who
wants the poster but doesn't have access to CorelDraw8.

To download the file you need to visit the Geo-tectonics web page

and follow the 'Files associated with your list' link. You can then
either view or directly download files by selecting them from the
index list. The exact method of doing that will depend on which
Web browser you are using.

If you have material that you would like to make available to
members, you need to send the file to me as an email attachment
and I will add it to the Geo-tectonics catalog. Once it is uploaded
you can send an ordinary message to the list advertising its
presence. PLEASE make sure that you send the file to me as the
list owner and not to the list itself, the address to use is

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I look forward to members making use of this new facility.


John Whalley

John Whalley
Lecturer in Structural Geology and Computer Applications in Geology
List owner - geo-tectonics
Tel +44 23 9284 2247                                Fax +44 23 9284 2244
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences
University of Portsmouth
Portsmouth, PO1 3QL, UK                Email- [log in to unmask]