

A conference, Developing the Marketplace, will  be held at University
College London on 26 and 27 June 2001.  (My apologies for cross-postings;
please circulate to interested colleagues.)

Organised by Procurement for Libraries (known formerly, and at length, as
the National Group on Consortium Purchasing for Academic Libraries), the
conference brings together leading representatives of purchasers and
suppliers, to discuss how the print and electronic marketplace might be
developed to mutual advantage.

It will be of interest to information and procurement professionals from all
library and information sectors, as well as to publishers, intermediaries
and suppliers of printed and electronic information.

The programme is given below.  Each session begins with a purchaser's view,
followed by the views of two suppliers and a discussion.  The conference
closes with a summary, and a set of proposed actions.

The cost of the conference, excluding accommodation but including meals, is
GBP100 (+VAT) per person.

The number of places is strictly limited.  Early booking, particularly of
accommodation, is advised.  Please register by completing the attached
booking form, which includes a list of hotels with reserved accommodation.

 <<Booking Form1.rtf>>


Day 1, 26 June - Developing market capability

1pm     Registration and lunch

14.00   Measuring performance for improvement
14.00-14.25     How and why purchasers measure performance - Susan Wright
14.25-14.50     Performance measurement - book suppliers - George Hammond
(Dawson UK)
14.50-15.15     Performance measurement - serials suppliers - Ian Middleton
15.15-15.30     Discussion

15.30   Tea

15.50   Productive supplier partnerships
15.50-16.15     Developing partnerships (developing new suppliers and
products; supply chain management and co-operation) - Tom Chadwick (JPPSG)
16.15-16.40     Breaking into the consortium marketplace - Chris Watkins
16.40-17.05     Developing supplier co-operation (particularly co-operation
between different parts of the chain) - Paul Harwood (SwetsBlackwell)
17.05-17.20     Discussion

18.00   Bar

19.00   Dinner

Day 2, 27 June - The electronic marketplace

9am     The possibilities and impact of e-commerce
9.00-9.25       Benefits and risks - the purchaser's view - Paul Tomany,
Director North West Universities Purchasing Consortium and Chairman of
9.25-9.50       e-commerce and books (including e-books) - David Taylor
9.50-10.15      e-commerce and serials (including e-journals) - Richard
Hodson (RoweCom)
10.15-10.30     Discussion

10.30   Coffee

10.50   New purchasing models and dependencies
10.50-11.15     Developing purchasing models (JACC, NESLI, PEAK...) - David
Ball (Bournemouth University)
11.15-11.40     Opportunities for publishers - Nancy Gerry/Ian Bannerman
(Blackwell Science)
11.40-12.05     The new intermediaries - tbc, Ingenta/Catchword
12.05-12.20     Discussion

12.20-13.00     Conference summary and actions

13.00   Lunch

David Ball
Associate Head of Academic Services
(University Librarian)
Bournemouth University
Fern Barrow
Poole, Dorset   BH12 5BB
Tel.: +44 (0)1202-595044
Fax.: +44 (0)1202-595475