

post-doc Viewing and Attention in Visually Impaired People

Post-doctoral  research associate in cognitive neuroscience with experience in visual perception research
Laboratory of Experimental Ophthalmology, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

A full time post doctoral position is available for 2 years, beginning immediately or preferably not later than 1 August 2001.

The post-doc will be involved in two projects.
1)      The first project is a new one to be started by the post-doc and aims to assess the influence of the training of viewing and attention strategies on the acquirement of mobility skills of visually impaired people. The hypothesis is that guided training of viewing and attention will improve mobility skills. Equipment (SMI EyeLink gaze tracker and stimulus and analysis software) for viewing training is available and ample experience was obtained in recent PhD studies on the relation between visual field defects and driving. The project will be executed in close co-operation with the vision rehabilitation institutes of Visio Noord in Haren and Het LooErf in Apeldoorn. Occupational therapists and mobility trainers of these institutes will do several assessments. The post-doc co-ordinates these assessments and will perform most of the evaluation measurements. The Medical Ethical Committee will have approved the project protocol by the time of the start. The project is financed by NWO-Medical Sciences "InZicht".

2)      The second project investigates the influence of real and simulated visual field defects on attention and eye movements. The aim of the project is to assess the attentional capacity of a subject during visual search in relation to the size and nature of visual field defects (both real and simulated ones). The hypothesis is that the visual field defects will increase the attentional load of the search task  and that this in turn will diminish the capacity for further additional tasks. Gaze tracking equipment (SMI EyeLink) and stimulus environment are present in the Laboratory of Experimental Ophthalmology and was developed in a previous phase of this project. Visio, Foundation for the Visually Impaired and Blind, finances the project.

Another task of the post-doc is to give statistical support to clinicians and scientists of the Department of Ophthalmology.

The profile of the candidate:

The Laboratory of Experimental Ophthalmology of the Department of Ophthalmology, participates in the Graduate School of Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences (BCN) of the University of Groningen, and co-operates with the rehabilitation institutes of Visio and Het LooErf.

Appointment at the University of Groningen for a period of two years.
Salary minimum Dfl.5470 (approx. Euro 2480), maximum Dfl. 7555 (approx. Euro 3420) depending on previous experiences.
Dr. Frans W.Cornelissen, email: [log in to unmask]
Tel.: +31 (0)50 3612510

Prof.Dr. Aart C. Kooijman
Visio chair of Videology
Editor of Visual Impairment Research (
Laboratory of Experimental Ophthalmology (LEO)
School of Behavioral and Cognitive Neurosciences (BCN)
Hanzeplein 1, 9713 GZ Groningen
P.O.Box 30 001, 9700 RB Groningen, The Netherlands
tel. +31 (0)50 3612165, fax  +31 (0)50 3611636

Videology covers the field of research on and rehabilitation of
impairments of the visual functions of
the sensory, oculomotor and central nervous system.