


have you shared your review with Adrian? He'll enjoy  reading your comments.


Cornelius Holtorf wrote:

> Hi everybody
> just read a great new book which I thought I better tell you all about!
> It's Adrian Praetzellis (2000) Death by Theory. A tale of mystery and
> archaeological theory. Altamira Press. 0-7425-0359-3 Pbk. costs $18 in USA
> This book is both a good narrative and an introduction to archaeological
> theory. It is *very* well written, *highly* competent and insightful (but
> without any jargon), *beautifully* illustrated, and *extremely* funny. What
> more do you want?
> I wish there were more books like this that challenged the conventions of
> archaeological writing and argument in such sophisticated ways.
> Congratulations to Altamira Press for taking the risk that is necessarily
> involved in printing such a book *and* selling it at such a good price.
> These are the kind of publishers that actually move the discipline
> forward...
> Anybody else on the list who read this book and liked (or disliked) it?
> Cornelius
> -----
> Cornelius Holtorf
> University of Cambridge, Department of Archaeology