

Dear all,
here is the shedule for the conference on Sunday 6th May:

9-10am          Reception, tea & coffee

10 - 11.15      Professor Joseph Raz (Oxford)   'The Value of Life'

11.30 - 12.15   Bart Streumer (Reading)         'Does ought tenselessly imply
12.15 - 2pm     Lunch

2 - 2.45        Julie Kelso (Stirling)          'Location, location, location'

3 - 3.45        Sam Brown (Dundee)              'Bad feelings about cognitive
                                                 theories of emotions:
                                                 challenging the
                                                 intentional criterion'
4 - 4.45        Cyrus Panjvani (St. Andrews)    'Wittgenstein, rule-
                                                 following and anti-

4.45 -          Wine...

The conference wil cost #3 per person (unless giving a paper). Would you
be so kind to get back in touch this week to let us know roughly how many
people are intending to come from each department.

To repeat previous offers, if anyone would like to stay either on Saturday
or Sunday evening in St. Andrews (or both), you are more than welcome.
Please could you let us know -even if you are not sure, just so we can
have an idea of numbers. Thanks.

After the day's events, we intend to go for a meal in St. Andrews, though
if this clashes with having to get back home, there is no obligation to
join. Nonetheless, I'm sure we will have fun winding down from the day's

Thanks to everyone who sumbitted a paper and thank you to all thiose who
have helped with organising the day.

Much obliged,
Patrice & Simon.

Depts. of Philosophy,
The Scores,
St. Andrews,