

On the back of a military handbook published by Gale & Polden, Aldershot, in
1896 I have just noticed an advertisement for "Captain Peacock's Military

The listed titles are 'Military Crime or Broke', 'Ronald the Fusilier or Foes
under One Flag', 'From Reveille to Lights Out or Lieutenant Lionel
Tregarthen' and 'A Soldier and a Maid'.  These are all offered at 1/- each or
cloth bound 1/6d.

I was about to laugh scornfully at these titles but then saw that the
advertisement was supported by a quote from the Press, which reads;

"Capt Peacock has long left behind Mr Rudyard Kipling and, with a little more
practice, should match Mr Hawley Smart in depicting military life" (Madras

Can anyone tell me anything about Capt Peacock and Mr Smart?

Yours Sincerely,
Roger Ayers
Honorary Membership Secretary,
The Kipling Society