Belated contrbution ...
Back in February there was an appeal by a member for any information on the A-S devotional poem The Dream of the Rood.
I do not think the undernoted was mentioned (apologies if it was but no trace could I find in MR Archives). I have just unpacked this item from a box in my garage ...
"The Dream of the Rood: an exercise in verse translation"  - and also a comentary - by [Dame] Helen GARDNER. In "Essays and Poems presented to Lord David Cecil". London: Constable, 1970. pp 18-36. The translation comprises pp 19-23, the commentary pp 24-36.
Both David Cecil and Helen Gardener were (in their day) distinguished scholars and indeed the whole Festschrift is a box of delights.
BTW, the Cecil (the Salisbury's of Hatfield) family motto translates as "Late but in earnest" which seems horrible appropriate for this contribution. 
Brenda M. C.