

Colleagues, please excuse the cross-posting, but I thought you might be
interested in the following publication.

Based on the 11th international PaPER Conference, held at the University of
Sydney at the end of 1998, we now have available the following publication:

Environment-Behaviour Research on the Pacific Rim, Proceedings of the 11th
International Conference on People and Physical Environment
Research.  Edited by G Moore, J Hunt & L Trevillion.  Sydney: University of
Sydney, Faculty of Architecture, 2000 (396 pgs).

The Proceedings has 11 major sections and 37 chapters on the following
topics: positivist and postmodern approaches, environmental science and
human factors, children youth and environment, housing and urban research,
indigenous research, interiors, heritage conservation, urban design and
planning, emerging research methods, and design computing.  Authors hail
from Australia and New Zealand and many of the Pacific-Rim countries
including Canada, the US, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Indonesia and China (as
well as England).

If you are interested in a copy for personal use or for your library, they
are available for Aud$35.00 (including postage and handling) from
Conference Publications, Centre for Continuing Professional Development,
Faculty of Architecture, University of Sydney, Sydney NSW 2006, Australia.

All the best
