

Environmental issues and Social Welfare

day seminar   based on contributions to  the special issue of Social Policy
Administration journal

Thursday 29 March 2001
Blackwells office, Oxford


10 am Coffee available

10.30  Welcome

10.45 'The Social Economy: Doughlas Torgerson

11.45  Coffee

12  "Green Citizenship' Hartley Dean

1  Lunch

1.45  'Food, social policy and the environment'  David Barling

2.45  Cars, social exclusion and lifestyles  Janet Jain and Jo Guiver

3.45  Dcentralisation and democracy in a green society  Paul Hoggett

4.45  Closing Remarks

5  Ends

If you would like to attend this day seminar then please email me and I will
send further details

Michael Cahill

Reader in Social Policy
School of Applied Social Science
University of Brighton
Falmer Brighton   BN1 9PH

Tel: 01273 643467
Fax: 01273  643473
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