

sight unseen, and not being infallible, I would think that SIGNUM on the badge from Chartres has the meaning of 'seal, signet', and here is why:
(a) the word 'signum' in connection with the indication of provenance (AMI) normally occurs on seals,
(b) 'facies' should be taken in the generic meaning of 'effigy, resemblance, image'. I see no indication of relics in the word itself, though of course relics may have been involved,
(c) I don't see why the Genitive 'faciei' cannot mean 'with the effigy'."The seal of the face" means "the seal with the face" of John.
    And by the by, what happened to your vitriolic spirit? You have been quite tame lately. I miss the vinegar in your missives, as I miss Bill's levitations; we are all so prim and proper, where are our insane members (among whom may I be counted...)
    Cheers, Luciana  
Luciana Cuppo Csaki
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