

Dear Colleagues
Apologies for cross-posting.
Thank you all so much for your support which has really made a huge
difference! Our personal and institutional lobbying of MEPs has been
extremely successful. The LAC has voted in favour of the Common Position
with just a few minor amendments, none of which hurt libraries too badly. It
next goes to the full EU Parliament which can either accept or reject but
not amend the Directive (debate Feb 13th and vote on 14th). If it rejects,
it goes to a Conciliation Committee consisting of MEPs, eurocrats and
Council of Ministers representatives. Let's hope very much it doesn't get
there. I will e-mail again should further lobbying of MEPs be required in
the next week. The UK ones have been pretty supportive but if EBLIDA asks us
to, we may need to get them to influence their European colleagues in their
parliamentary party groupings for the full parliament vote so please stand
by in case we are called again! Don't, however, jump the gun as we must
follow EBLIDA's line and timing or the MEPs will get confused.
News reports on what has been the most lobbied directive ever in the history
of the EU:
*       Legal affairs on copyright compromise. The European Parliament's
legal affairs committee agreed yesterday to compromise on far-reaching
amendments proposed to the EU's legislation on copyright and agreed to keep
in place many of the exceptions agreed by EU countries to the copyright
rules for institutions such as libraries but will face 'the mother of all
battles' to get the amendments approved by the entire parliament next week.
Financial Times 06/02/01 p9
*       EU and the digital space cowboys. The jostling surrounding the most
lobbied directive ever. Financial Times 05/02/01 p15
*       Internet copyright may be enforced. Article quoting Teresa Hackett
(EBLIDA) on the proposed amendments to the EU copyright directive, which
could result in libraries losing their rights to fair dealing copying. Times
Higher 02/02/01 p56

Many thanks to you all. Library power does count!

Barbara Stratton
Information Manager, Members' Information Centre, The Library Association
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