

It's great to see that some work is finally being dedicated to this very
important Semantic Web effort. I figured that before suggesting how to move
forward, I'd take stock of what we have already.

First, the DCES 1.1 spec contains an RDF Schema embedded in the HTML:

Unfortunately, it uses a pre-release namespace for RDF Schema, thus making
it unreadable by most RDF apps. However, it doesn't seem like it is at all
outdated, so chaning the namespace should repair this problem. However, it
seems odd to me that no DC document mentions this definition, nor is it
available in a way easily parsable by RDF processors (it's not in an XML
document). An easy thing to do would be to write up a short document with
the RDF schema and explaining its use in generic RDF.

Second, there is a proposal for guidelines on using DC in RDF:

While this is a very good start, it's already outdated and has a number of
problems that should be fixed before being recommended by DC. Unfortunately,
this is really the only doc out there that gives suggestions on using DC in
RDF, and thus is the one everyone points to (and uses). I disagree with a
number of the examples, and also think that the qualification/type system is
outdated since RDF Schema.

Third, there is a description of DCES XML files:

While this is a wonderful system for simple DC XML files, and it's even
better that they use RDF, this is (as the document clearly admits) a very
limiting system.

These are all the documents I could find -- if you know of any more, please
email me. I'm keeping track of them on my site:

Aaron Swartz <[log in to unmask]>|       The Info Network
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AIM: JediOfPi | ICQ: 33158237| the way you want the web to be