

I am forwarding this to the list on behalf of Julia Bolton Holloway.

George Ferzoco

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The International Study Meeting on the City and the Book, in Florence,
May 30, 31, June 1, 2001, in this first year of three, concentrates on
the great European Bibles, the Silver and Gold Codices in Sweden, the
Lindisfarne and Lichfield Gospels in England, the Book of Kells in
Ireland, the Bible in Icelandic, now returned to Iceland from Denmark,
and the Codex Amiatinus in the Laurentian Library, Florence, and on the
pilgrim monks and even Vikings who transported them. We welcome also
papers on Europe's adoption of the Hebrew Scriptures, on Jerome, Paula
and Eustochium, on Egeria, on the shaping of our culture by the alphabet
and the Book.

The first year's conference shall be held in the Certosa, just outside
Florence, following its inauguration in the Sala dei Cinquecento of the
Palazzo Vecchio. An excursion is planned to the hermitages of two
medieval Irish pilgrims beyond Fiesole. The following years shall
include excursions to Vallombrosa, Bellosguardo, etc.

We have extended the registration date to April 15 but should greatly
appreciate now a show of interest from you concerning your presence and
your papers, so that we can approach banks for funding for your travel
here. Respond to [log in to unmask]

2002 shall concentrate on the great illuminated European manuscripts
such as those of Hildegard of Bingen, Alfonso el Sabio, Brunetto Latino,
Dante Alighieri, Birgitta of Sweden, Christine de Pizan. An exhibition
is planned for 2002 of the great illuminated manuscripts in the
Biblioteca Riccardiana, such as Lucca's Hildegard von Bingen. This
exhibition will also include non-illustrated works such as the
Riccardian's Marguerite Porete, Arezzo's Egeria, as well as Siena's
Birgitta of Sweden, illuminated Revelationes, translated into Italian by
Catherine of Siena's disciple, Cristofano di Gano.

2003 shall be on the printed books concerning Florence or written here,
such as John Milton, Paradise Lost, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Casa
Guidi Windows and Aurora Leigh, Robert Browning, The Ring and the Book,
Fyodor Dosteivsky, The Idiot.

Sponsors include the Biblioteca Nazionale, the Biblioteca Laurenziana,
the Biblioteca Riccardiana, and S.I.S.M.E.L. of the University of
But all is good. God opens to us a strange book to instruct us when
he makes us read in our own heart.       Fenelon, Spiritual Letters

Julia Bolton Holloway, Ph.D., Librarian,
Biblioteca Fioretta Mazzei, Piazzale Donatello 38, 50132 Florence, Italy
E-mail: [log in to unmask]  Websites:
City and Book Congresses, 2001-2003: