

I must have missed the message to which this is a
response. Anyone interested in Suger's inspiration for
Saint-Denis should read the chapter in Chenu's
_Nature, Man, and Society in the Twelfth Century_
entitled "The Symbolist Mentality"; also _Artistic
Integration in Gothic Buildings_, Raguin, Brush,
Draper, eds.

--- [log in to unmask] wrote:
> sorry if this is irrelevant and/or belated:
> Erwin Panofsky, "Abbot Sugar of St-Denis", from
> _Meaning in the Visual Arts_ on
> the influence of Pseudo Dionysius and the
> "anagogical approach" of Plotinus and
> Proclus.
> "Marvel not at the gold and the expense but at the
> craftsmanship of the work.
> Bight is the noble work; but, being nobly bright,
> the work
> Should brighten the minds so that they may travel,
> through the true lights,
> To the True Light where Christ is the true door
> ......
> The dull mind rises to truth, through that which is
> material
> And, in seeing this light, is resurrected from its
> former submersion"
> -Abbot of Suger.

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