

With regard to the question recently posed concerning
Aelred of Rievaulx, I wonder if the list member is
acquainted with C. Stephen Jaeger's _Ennobling Love:
In Search of a Lost Sensibility_ (UPennP, 1999)
recently reviewed in _Speculum_. The book may touch on
some of your concerns about friendship/love in
Aelred's time. Jaeger "refers to love principally as
ennobling performance" and "denies that in their time,
[this type of love] would necessarily have been
considered sexual." The reviewer continues: "A central
chapter...compares, too, the court context and the
monastery with respect, especially, to texts on
male-male love and friendship in which modern readers
might (mis)interpret signs of passionate intimacy to
indicate not sublime love but sexual desire or
activity."  Jaeger compares Aelred's _Spiritual
Friednship_ with Capellanus's _De amore_, but just
might touch on Cicero and - who knows - perhaps even

Bonne chance,

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