

Today, 5 January, is the feast of ...

* Telesphorus, pope and martyr (c. 136)
- seventh bishop of Rome; according to the *Liber
Pontificalis*, he decreed that the Mass of Christmas should
be celebrated at midnight

* Apollinaris, virgin (?)
- Egyptian woman who dressed as a man to live a religious
life in the desert; but while she was there, her sister,
who had been possessed by the devil, was sent to her for a

* Syncletica, virgin (c. 400)
- a rich heiress of Alexandria, she gave away her fortune
to live in an old tomb by a church; from here, she would
preach to women

* Simeon the Stylite (459)
- after almost killing himself with his bizarre self-
mortifications, he took up living on successively taller
pillars for the last 37 years of his life; the final pillar
was about 20 metres high, with a platform about two metres
wide on top

* Convoyon, abbot (868)
- founder of the abbey of Saint Saviour at Redon, Brittany

* Dorotheus the Younger, abbot (eleventh century)
- also known as Dorotheus of Khiliokomos, from the name of
the monastery he built on a mountain near Amisos following
the command of a mysterious stranger

* Gerlac (c. 1170)
- lived as a hermit for seven years in the trunk of a tree
near Valkenburg (Netherlands); monks of a nearby monastery
did not like his way of life, and appealed to have Gerlac
live in community; Gerlac was permitted to continue to live
in solitude, but when the monks were called to him while he
was dying, they refused to give him viaticum (which instead
was given by a strange old man, unknown to all who were
present) -- a peculiar and interesting incident

George Ferzoco
University of Leicester