

>>> [log in to unmask] 01/09/01 05:05 >>>

>This comes under "Credibility" in the instructor selection process.  I, and
>the few other GP instructors, do not see many cardiac arrests per year.
>However, in remote areas this is unavoidable (remember I cover 500-1000
>square miles single handed with between 300-2000 patients as a time).  It
>should also be bourn in mind that the average paramedic sees one seriously
>injured trauma call every 18 months so reduced exposure is a widespread
>problem in prehospital care compared with A+E.

Is this second statement really true ? Sorry Robbie, I dont mean to be rude in questioning it, but to me this is a real concern. Im sure it's from a study somewhere. I obviously cannot overly comment on the UK situation. But locally here our 200 - 250 regional major traumas a year are spread over the 60 paramedics and 50 odd technicians ( equivalents ) of our local ambulance service, giving a considerably higher serious trauma exposure than 1:18/12, although the helicopter medics gobble up a few more than the average. Surely your major trauma rates are not that low ? If the figure is accurate isn't this cause for serious concern ? Frequent training aside - seeing 1 major trauma every 18 months is not enough to maintain the required assessment and treatment skills, is it ?


Dr Craig Ellis
Emergency Medicine Registrar
Wellington Hospital
Wellington, New Zealand. 

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