

Final Call for Papers:

Theme: "Cognitive Skills Acquisition in Life-long Learning"

Special issue of 'Interactive Learning Environments' journal (ISSN 1049-4820)

* Important dates:
Paper submission                Friday 2 February 2001
Outcome notification            Monday 19 March 2001
Revised version                 Friday 4 May 2001
Feedback on revised version     Monday 11 June 2001
Final version                   Friday 13 July 2001
Publication                     November 2001

* Introduction:
Cognitive skills are concerned with analysis, interpretation and decision
making processes required for performing the procedural tasks. The development
of cognitive skill demands a more sophisticated learning process as much of
its process runs inside a human mind and may largely rely on self-explanations
as a learner studies an example and attempts a given problem.

It is easier for a learning system researcher, designer or implementer to
consider the facilitation of physical skills due to their external visibility,
but it seems important to have stronger focus on cognitive skills acquisition,
particularly for life long learners who may not be learning in the traditional

We invite discussion on these and related issues with a view to better understand
the emerging trends in research, design and implementation of systems for
cognitive skills acquisition in life-long learning.

* Guest editor:
Information Systems Department
Massey University, Private Bag 11-222
Palmerston North
New Zealand
Email: [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]

* Submission procedure:
The papers should be around 5000 words and should address one or more aspects
relating to the theme of the special issue. They should be sent as attachment
by email to the guest editor at [log in to unmask] (alternatively
[log in to unmask]) latest by Friday February 2, 2001. Preferred file
formats are RTF, PDF and Word but we shall try our best for other formats too.
Your submissions will be considered on first come first served basis allowing
for more flexible planning of your further work. We encourage you for early
submission at each stage.

Please provide following details with each submission:
- Author(s) full name(s) including title(s)
- Job title(s)
- Organisation(s)
- Full contact details of ALL authors including email and postal address, tel/fax

General details about the journal are available at:

Dr. Kinshuk             [log in to unmask]   [log in to unmask]
General Chair, Intl.Conf.on Adv.Learn.Tech.(ICALT2001)
Editor, "Educational Technology & Society"
Chair, IEEE Learning Technology Task Force
Chair, ACM SIGCHI New Zealand

Information Systems Dept., Massey Univ., Private Bag 11-222, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Tel: +64 6 3505799 ext. 2090 Fax: +64 6 3505725