

We are working on a new concept and seek your feedback / participation
espeically if you are based in UK / Europe.

Text messaging is very popular in the UK and has rapidly been taken up
by large sections of the public especially the youth.

Imagine a world where you could send pictures through a text message !!

The emergence of a new medium provides opportunities to create
pioneering new artforms. Furthur, when that medium incorporates colour
and graphics, the general public adopts it faster.

As an artist , you create a mobile picture post card using images,
sound and text.
These could be used by companies for their marketing or downloaded
straight from a web site where the user pays for the card ( just like
currently ringtones are downloaded for a fee ).

Canvas Dreams is a UK based community for artists focused only on mobile
Multimedia messaging. If you wish to be a part of this community, please
email us at [log in to unmask]
Our web site is ( username canvas, password canvas
Best Regards Ajit