

There is a brand new text out (almost) written by Roger Hoerl and Ron Snee
called Statistical Thinking:  Improving Business Processes.  It is (will
be) published by Duxbury and is set to roll off the presses by
mid-February.  I am currently piloting an advanced copy of it to teach an
introductory class.  It takes a very different approach to intro stat,
emphasizing general concepts and principals first with a focus on
statistical thinking -- "a philosophy of learning and action based on three
fundamental principles:  all work is occurs in a system of interconnected
processes, variation exists in all processes, and understanding and
reducing variation are keys to success -- before getting into specific
tools.  The authors have developed the text using the latest theory's on
how students learn.  So far I have been very pleased with the text.  If you
want to jump right into teaching tools as in most of the introductory texts
now available this is not the book for you.  If on the other hand you have
the patience to lay a foundation for the tools, I think you will find this
book to be a refreshing departure from the standard texts.  Roger and Ron
and I will be presenting a workshop before the Joint Statistical Meetings
in Atlanta, Georgia this August discussing the approach and reporting on
the pilot.


At 10:48 AM 01/30/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>The text I've been using to teach stats to business students has been
>discontinued.  Can anyone suggest a suitable text for a one-semester class
>of business majors, most of whom aren't exactly thrilled at the prospect of
>taking stats?
>Joseph M. Nowakowski
>Associate Professor of Economics
>Muskingum College
>New Concord, OH 43762
>(740) 826-8206

G. Rex Bryce, Ph.D.
206 TMCB
Department of Statistics
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah 84602
Phone:   (801) 378-7052
Fax:     (801) 378-5722
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]