

Dear Steve,

>You wrote:
>Sorry, you can't interpret the results at all if you are using a
>fixed-effects analysis.  You must do a random effects analysis.  And
>I am afraid that the results will be much less significant because of
>the loss of all of those degrees of freedom.  (So I hope that you
>have a clear a priori hypothesis!)
>I assume you mean that one cannot use fixed-effects when comparing two
>groups, e.g. normals and patients or males and females?
>Is there no sense in which you can compare two groups with a fixed-effects
>model?  I'm asking because it seems people often might want to compare men
>and women, but their inclination would be to run a fixed-effects model.

It would be absolutely wrong to compare two groups with a
fixed-effects model.  As I am no statistician, I will have to use a
silly example to illustrate why.

Let's imagine that you have done a study of the distance jumped by a
certain 6 green-haired subjects on the long jump.  Each subject
performs 10 jumps on various Tuesdays scattered throughout the study
period, and you have the mean and variance of these jumps (and they
are roughly normally distributed).  The means (in feet) are: 1.5,
2.1, 2.6, 3.7, 6.5, 10.9.  The standard deviations are, in each case,
less than 0.1 feet.  So although some of your long-jumpers are not
very  talented, at least everyone in your sample is pretty consistent.

All of these subjects have also done 10 jumps each on various
Thursdays during the same study period.  These means from those jumps
were 2.0, 2.5, 2.6, 4.5, 7.9 and 12.0.  Just eye-balling the results,
it's pretty clear that there is something different about jumping on
Tuesdays and jumping on Thursdays.  Given how small the
within-subjects variance is, we can be pretty sure that the change in
the mean is significant.  This is a bit like using a fixed-effects
analysis, modelling Tuesday jumps and Thursday jumps separately for
every subject, and drawing a confident inference because the residual
variance is very small.

Your study has proved so popular that the Wellcome Trust give you
funding to extend your observations to people with blue hair.
Unfortunately this bunch are only available on Tuesdays, but you want
to find out if blue-haired individuals jump differently from
green-haired individuals (at least, when the jumping is done on
Tuesdays).  By alarming coincidence, the figures you obtain for the
blue-haired bunch are 2.0, 2.5, 2.6, 4.5, 7.9 and 12.0 (the same as
the green-haired people gave on Thursdays).  Does this constitute
good evidence that they are better jumpers than the green-haired
population?  Absolutely not.  There is a huge overlap between the
distributions of jumps by green-haired and blue-haired jumpers.  The
fact that observations within individuals are so consistent doesn't
help you very much here; it's the between-subjects variance which is
most relevant.  The appropriate test would be to take the mean from
each blue-haired individual, and compare that group of 6 numbers with
the 6 means from the green-haired subjects, without explicitly
including the within-subjects standard deviations in the calculation.
This is like a random-effects analysis.

This example is intended to illustrate that the between-subjects
variance becomes very relevant when you are comparing between groups.
A fixed-effects analysis doesn't take appropriate account of the
between-subjects variance, or the reliability with which you can
predict the performance of a new individual from the test population.
If you use a fixed-effects analysis to compare two groups and your
within-subjects variance is very small but your between-subjects
variance is very large, then you will erroneously interpret moderate
differences between the two groups as significant, just because the
residual variance (which doesn't contain any between-subjects
variance) is small.  This wouldn't just be 'not quite kosher'; you
could be seriously misled.

The statisticians tell us that the random-effects approach weights
within-subjects and between-subjects variance appropriately for
comparisons between groups.  This might seem strange at first sight.
After all, a random-effects analysis only takes one observation from
each subject, so it doesn't seem to take account of within-subjects
variance at all.  However, a simple example illustrates why it isn't
so strange.  Imagine that, in fact, there is no between-subjects
variance (the same subject kept sneaking back time after time, and
her disguise completely fooled you).  Would there be no variance at
all at the second level?  No, obviously there would still be some
variance, and the reason why is because some of the within-subjects
variance is carried through to the second level (by the effect of
this variance on the single parameter estimate from each subject).

I hope that this makes sense!

Best of luck,

from: Dr Richard Perry,
Clinical Lecturer, Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology,
Institute of Neurology, Darwin Building, University College London,
Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT.
Tel: 0207 679 2187;  e mail: [log in to unmask]