

> Is it true that the pre-processing procedures such as alignment,
> coregistration, smooth, slice timing, and normalization do not have
> to follow some kind of order to apply to fMRI data before statistical
> processing?
> Logically, there may be some kind of order, but mathematically, these
> procedures can be applied at any sequence order, and the results would
> not be "too much" different.

I thought I'd better just add a little more to Alle Meije's answer...

I would strongly suggest that you follow the prescribed order of
pre-processing as the steps are not commutative. e.g., warped images do not
match together well with a rigid registration, smoothing before warping
produces nonstationary smoothness etc...etc..

Best regards,

Dr John Ashburner.
Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology.
12 Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG, UK.
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