

Dear John,
thank for hepl and sorry for my last e-mail to long.
I've tried to do a correct coregistration following your advices.
But unforunatly I've met some problems.

I've tried to coregister my anatomical image to the EPI functional image (mean
obtained from
realing). I've checked if these two images matched good and I've see that it is
The anatomical image have the same volume, same thickness, same orientation, same
origin as the
functional image.
I've took my functional mean image as target (modality EPI) and the anatomical
image as object image (modality T1).
I runned the coregistration but the followed errors was appeard to me

??? Error using ==> spm_affsub3 (spm_affsub1)
There is not enough overlap of the images to obtain a solution

Error in ==> C:\spm99\spm_affsub3.m (spm_affsub2)
On line 326  ==>    [alpha_t, beta_t, chi2_t] = ...

Error in ==> C:\spm99\spm_affsub3.m
On line 231  ==>  [params] = spm_affsub2(ifun,VG,VF,VW,VW2,

Error in ==> C:\spm99\spm_coregister.m (coreg_steps23)
On line 257  ==> params = spm_affsub3('rigid2', VG(1:2), VF(1:2), 1, 6, params);

Error in ==> C:\spm99\spm_coregister.m
On line 96  ==>   MM = coreg_steps23(PGF, PFF, PGG, PFG, MM,MGR,MFR,MTA);

Error in ==> C:\spm99\spm_coreg_ui.m
On line 214  ==>   spm_coregister(PGF, PFF, PGG, PFG, others,flags);

??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback.

The images (anatomical and functional) don't cover the whole brain but only a
part, is this the problem?

thanks for help



Dr. Marta Maieron
Dip. Scienze e Tecnologie Biomediche
Università di Udine
Piazzale Kolbe, 4
33100 Udine

Phone:   +39-0432-494360
Fax:     +39-0432-494301