

SPM experts,

I hope you can help me with a problem I am having with segmentation. I
am attempting to segment a series of EPI images from one subject. I
1 subject
select the series of EPI images (84 images total)
are they normalized..yes
no inhomogeneity correction

The program runs and segments the first image and then stops. It display
the segmented images in the graphic window and states "done" in the plot

I have tried selecting only 2 images and get the same results.
Furthermore, I downloaded the most recent spm_segment.m file from you
site but this did not fix the problem. DO you have any insight to this
problem. I would really appreciate your help or I will have to segment
each image separately. As you can imagine, this would be very time
consuming as I plan to do this for many subjects.

Thanks in advance for you help.

Paul Laurienti