

Dear Torben,

I am afraid my pen got a little ahead of my brain when I wrote
yesterdays mail. My sincere appologies for that. Below is what I
intended to write.

> Thank you very much for your reply, you seemed to have got my point.
So now for
> the explanation of why would I like non-integer df's. I second level
> one uses contrast images from different persons whom are likely to
> different degrees of paradigm related motion. If one of the motion
> have correlation with the paradigm of more than some threshold (say
0.4 ), I
> consider the contrast image belonging to the paradigm to uncertain,
and exclude
> it from the second level analysis. If some correlation between one of
the motion
> parameters are close to this threshold, I would like to let this
information go
> into the second level analysis, as a covariate. Clearly the six motion

> parameters are not orthogonal, but in the current setup of df
calculation they
> will take 6 degrees of freedom. If I were to include a single
> coefficient in the second-level analysis I would need some apriori
knowledge of
> how to weight the different parameters, and here my common sense is
not good
> enough.
> Torben

If I understand you correctly you would like to extract some (single)
from each subject that somehow indicates to what degree that data set
has been
corrupted by movement. It doesn't sound easy. Spontaneously I would
guess that a
pretty kosher way of doing that would be a canonical correlation
analysis between
the (first few) eigenvariates (following an SVD) of your data, and your
motion parameters. That would give you the linear combination of your
(6) motion
parameters that best explains observed variance in your data.
The correlation coefficient between that linear combination and the
condition regressor could then be used at the second level. For studies
involving more than one trial type (condition) I guess the correlation
coefficient between the design matrix multiplied with the first level
contrast weight vector and the linear combination described above should
be used.

On a pragmatical note I guess you could pick any of the z-translation or
the pitch
(x-rotation) since those are almost always the largest, and strongly
with each other.

Finally, my choice would be to handle the motion induced task correlated
at the first level to as large an extent as possible. Including the
parameters in the first level model will ensure that you err on the
side. Granted, there is an extra little complication in that a large
degree of task
related motion -> a lot of "true" activation variance will be removed at
the first
level -> variance of activations across subjects may increase AND in a
task_by_group interaction one might conclude that one group activates
less, while
in reality they just moved more with the task.

Good luck Jesper