

Dear SPMers,

I am able to do the above, but only at the price of deleting a
mat file. Please let me know if I might be losing some information in
doing this.

I am doing two things:

1. flipping certain con images (one for each subject) so that they are
reflected in the y-axis -> this apparently produces a mat file (with same
name as reoriented con image). I do the flipping by choosing "display" and
then "reorient images" after inserting -1 for x direction

2. I then create a mean image with each one of these flipped con
images and another image (for each subject) -> this gives mean.img and

However, I get an error message if I try to do this averaging with the
above-mentioned mat file in a subject's directory. So I delete the mat
file and then I can create a mean image without any trouble.

The error message is:

"error using spm_mean_ui. images don't all have the same orientation and
voxel size ..."

However, without the mat file, spm_mean_ui is evidently happy to the do
the averaging, so perhaps this is just a bug.

Nevertheless, is deleting the mat file an acceptable solution or am I
losing some information?

Many Thanks

Adam Aron - Brain Mapping Unit, Research Dept. Psychiatry, Addenbrookes
Hospital, Cambridge, UK.