

>From: "Dr. Ahmed Toosy" <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: "Dr. Ahmed Toosy" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: small volume correction
>Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2001 17:53:40 GMT
>Dear SPM
>I am applying SVC to certain regions using an a priori hypothesis on
>uncorrected contrast maps resulting from 2nd level RFX analysis between
>patients with optic neuritis and controls (fMRI with visual stimulation).
>I have some questions
>1) Is there a minimum size of SVC that can be applied? If one applies a
>small enough SVC then a lot of areas can become 'significantly activated'.

I'd like to know the answer too. Firstly, I remember a number--16mm
given by Karl in some email.( I am not sure now.) Is this ture?
Secondly, Should this size of SVC be relative with the parameters used in

>2) After applying an SVC to a particular region of the brain and getting
>for example a significant p value, does this mean that I have to ignore all
>the other regions of activation in the same map even if some of them are
>part of my a priori hypothesis?

Also, I am wondering how to show t-map under the condition of SVC.
Now I only can get the t-map with uncorrected p-value. Then I get some
corrected p-value by using SVC. But I dont know how to get t-map for
this region of interest with corrected p-value.

>3) If I want to look at more than one region with SVC can I create a masked
>volume by modifying the brainmask template in SPM using something like
>MRIcro? Are there other ways of looking for more that one region?

The different VOIs can be analysed separatly? Are they independent for SVC?

>Ahmed Toosy

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