

hi John Ashburner & spm

a question about the warping routines in normalization.  In a VBM study, I
have some "activations" which pop up in the "central" grey matter areas eg
hippocampus, thalamus, cingulate, etc.   the patient sample are an elderly
group whose scans were normalized to the standard SPM T1 template.

is it possible that warping in the normalization process could have
"pulled" the tissue out from central brain areas, reducing differences in
cortical tissue and inflating differences in subcortical/limbic areas?
how reliable are these results, given that I have normalised to the T1? I
have tried normalizing to an AD template but normalization repeatedly
fails producing a variety of oddly-shaped brains.

are these activations likely to be unreliable?

chris summerfield
dept. psychology
columbia university