

SnPM users,

> Matlab 6 under windows OS already has predefined contrast.m function in the
> matlab toolbox.
> In SnPM, CONTRAST is regarded as a function not as a variable. The upper
> character and lower character is regarded as same in Windows.

Thank you HaeJeong!

contrast.m is also present on the Unix version, but Unix is case sensitive
and so it isn't a problem there.

I have fixed this problem by changing all occurrences of CONT to CONTRAST.
Please see

Note that this fix is *not* backwards compatible.  Any existing analyses,
specifically the SnPMcfg.mat file, will need to be updated.

This is easily done.  From Matlab, in the analysis directory, type

        load SnPMcfg
        CONT = CONTRAST;
        clear CONTRAST
        save SnPMcfg

Please download this update even if you do not use Windows, as all
future updates will be based on this fix.


    -- Thomas Nichols --------------------   Department of Biostatistics     University of Michigan
       [log in to unmask]                     1420 Washington Heights
    --------------------------------------   Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2029