

If I remember correctly, there is a button labeled "Write"
in the results interface that should do what you want.

In order to use spm_write_filtered.m from the command line, you
need to pass it the following arguments, which are normally
set up by spm_results_ui.m:

FORMAT spm_write_filtered(Z,XYZ,u,k,V,SPMZ)
 Z      - Z or F values after filtering on height and size
 XYZ    - location in mm
 u      - selected height threshold
 k      - selected extent threshold {voxels}
 V      - contains image dimensions, voxel sizes and origin
 SPMZ   - 1 for Z image, 0 for F image

Best regards,

| I am used to make some images of my contrasts under SPM99 with the
| "Write_filtered" command. I would like to do the same with SPM96. I know that
| this function exists in SPM96. Is it possible to use it directly form the
| interface ? I also tryed to execute this command manually as a Matlab command.
| But apparently I need to specify many argument that I don't know.
| This the error message that I have;
| >> spm_write_filtered
| ??? Input argument SPMZ is undefined.
| Error in ==> /home/spm/matlab4/spm96/spm_write_filtered.m
| On line 26  ==> if SPMZ == 1