

Please draw this to the attention of your colleagues.

              The 34'th Essex Summer School
              Social Science Data Analysis

               7 July - 17 August 2001

This year's Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis
and Collection will offer over 50 one and two-week
introductory, intermediate and advanced courses on
topics which include:

social survey design and analysis, sampling,
regression, multilevel analysis, time series analysis,
correspondence analysis, log linear analysis, latent class analysis,
discourse analysis, game theory, rational choice, social theory,
data visualisation and data mining, social network analysis,
maximum likelihood estimation and limited dependent variables,
structural equation models, qualitative data analysis,
focus groups, interviewing, participant observation, content analysis,
SPSS, Amos, Lisrel,
British Household Panel Survey, time budget collection and Analysis and
comparative policy analysis.

New courses this year are:

        Logit, Probit and Other Generalised Models
        Introduction to Geographical Information Systems
        Socio-Legal Research Methods
        Advanced Social Network Analysis
        Dimensional Analysis
        Evaluation Analysis

There will be a two-week "data confrontation" workshop on
         "National and International Crime Victimization Surveys".

A small number of ESRC bursaries are available to participants from
British academic institutions.

For further details see URL <>
e-mail [log in to unmask]
write to
The Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis and Collection
University of Essex
Colchester, Essex CO4 3SQ,
United Kingdom
Fax [international] 44-1206-873598 [UK/Eire] 01206-873598
telephone [international] 44-1206-872502 [UK/Eire] 01206-872502.
Prof Nigel Gilbert, FREng AcSS, Dept. of Sociology, University of Surrey,
  Guildford GU2 7XH, UK.  Tel: +44 (0)1483 259173 Fax: +44 (0)1483 259551